Designed to Thrive

The Practice

In this practice we discover we can balance surviving and thriving.

  • In a moment when you feel rushed or there is too much to do, notice yourself surviving—getting through it, doing what needs to be done.
  • Be kind, gentle, and compassionate with this brilliant and important survivor-self.
  • Close your eyes and remember that you are a thriver too. Recall the childhood experience you identified in MY STORY. Relive the safety and joy of that time.
  • Hold the memory, set both feet on the ground, and place one hand over your heart. Breathe into the space under your hand, slowly and rhythmically.
  • With the middle finger of your other hand, begin to tap gently between your eyebrows.
  • Continue to hold the memory and tap in joy for about two minutes. You will sense when your neuro-circuits respond. You’ll yawn, sigh, or wiggle and maybe even feel a rush of contentment.
  • Open your eyes.

Write about your experience. Notice a balance between the effort of survival and the ease of thriving as the day unfolds.