After Rain is a collection of stories, wisdom and art inspired by the natural world, and my own discoveries of how to live upward. Every page will draw you in and offer you a new way to see the world.
As I sat down to write After Rain I had choices to make about who I would BE as this great endeavor unfolded. These would be the guiding forces and inspiration for all that I would create and do. I chose to fill my effort with ease, to be kind to myself as I committed my ideas to words, and to be heart-centered and ever conscious that this was a gift of gratitude to all who had touched my life. It was at this moment, when I aligned who I am with what I do, I understood that I was Living Upward and the movement was born.
After Rain is a gift from my heart to yours.
May it inspire and guide you on your way to Living Upward.
Within the pages of After Rain are four fundamental truths at the heart of Living Upward.
    • Living an intentional life is essential to living a purposeful one.

    • Purpose is essential to a meaningful life.

    • At the heart of meaning is the giving and receiving of love.

    • And through that love we become connected to a greater good, and find our place to belong.

Susan’s book is to be savored, like a quiet time-out in the day.  I love that every “thought” is presented on two pages and her photos and art work put me in a peaceful mindset as I settle myself in for a new little nugget of insight. It’s a pick-me-up, or a way to get out of my own head when I’m feeling distracted. I love this book and it will be my gift to my favorite people this year.
